Let’s next look at the April release regarding sales. Here is some of that: (And, yes, I am grabbing the positive statements from these releases. We will come back to risks later in this article.)

Vape Holdings, Inc …. is pleased to announce that it has over $100,000 in sales of its proprietary HIVE Ceramic line since it began processing orders in early April. The Company also has back orders for over $250,000 in future sales as they await arrival of the ceramics from the Company’s manufacturing facility.

“I am very pleased by the early acceptance of the premium HIVE Ceramic line, especially because the majority of the purchases were made by the most informed buyers in the marketplace, those who know what is being sold nationwide,” stated Kyle Tracey, CEO, Vape Holdings, Inc. “It’s evident from the overwhelming response at the Cannabis Cup this past weekend that the HIVE Ceramic line, which has now expanded to 14 designs, is becoming a popular choice for consumers.”

“As our inventory arrives and we are able to fulfill the requests waiting for delivery we will do our best to report these successes to the market,” added Tracey. “Fifty-thousand new pieces of HIVE Ceramics are expected to arrive at our offices ready to ship by the end of May barring any unexpected delay and will be used to fulfill pending and future orders.”

Is that enough positive information to overcome what has happened to the stock?

Before we go there, let’s note that millions of dollars have been traded in VIPE and MILLIONS OF DOLLARS have been lost since the decline following that high on March 5th. As stocks go crazy in trading, it is important to realize that when they crash like VIPE did there will be many losers. Some played the momentum game and lost knowing what they were doing. Others lost because they were lured into buying the stock through a variety of marketing efforts that often have nothing even to do with the underlying security being traded.

We must ignore those who lost and analyze this based on the fundamentals.

Before we get to those fundamentals, we must simply show a screenshot of their web site:

Screenshot 2014-06-17 13.05.18