That’s really why you are reading this. What you need to find out is WHEN the promo is over.  How? Get those who are getting paid to tell you if they have a new stock coming up soon. Call the company and ask questions about the timeline.

No, nobody should tell you any of this. In fact if people start answering such questions you can be certain that they likely know nothing and are more interested in getting you to buy into the next one that comes along. Still – sometimes people are bluntly honest in their haste to get you off the phone.  I have always used quickie surprise phone calls to find out what is real and what is not real in the smallcaps. If a CEO is embarrassed by the attention he is getting, more often than not he cannot hide it no matter what he says to you. Quote the headlines of the promo pieces you see to the CEO and see if he laughs – nervously. He either believes it or he is freaking out that he got you on the phone.

The phone is your friend. Emails really do not get the answers. Use the phone and you shall get the truth.

Of course do the Google Maps searches, included Street View. Those are great. Realize that new construction might not be showing. I have seen an accusation once that a building did not exist when, in fact, it was build AFTER Google’s latest Street View of that location.

Like I said in number five of the rules above, place an immediate GOOD TIL CANCELED SELL ORDER to attempt to lock in a profit.

Another tip: Never average down share costs in high volume traders. Instead do simple in and out transactions.

Use less and less money on each successive transaction. This is the only way to make sure you actually come out ahead at the end.


People do really lose money. It’s only fun if you are playing with money that you might otherwise take to Vegas.

High volume traders like ARTH can be totally real companies. Even when they are real companies, the stock becomes so difficult to predict that you can still lose. You have to do your own due diligence. I have not looked into the fundamentals of this company at all other than to look at their releases and to read through the sixteen page Ian Cooper publication. I scanned its headlines and put it in my stack of others.

Good luck and safe trading!