
Retractable Technologies, Inc. (NYSE MKT: RVP)

RVP is up 18.28% today at the close. The really big story is that the stock is up as much as 96.43% from lows just over a week ago. Why?  Here’s why:

News from September 19th:

Retractable Technologies, Inc. (NYSE MKT: RVP), a leading maker of safety medical devices, announced today that a Tyler, Texas jury returned a verdict in the litigation of Retractable Technologies, Inc. v. Becton, Dickinson and Company in favor of Retractable. After a six year battle, the verdict vindicates Retractable’s claim that industry giant Becton, Dickinson and Company illegally engaged in anticompetitive conduct with the intent to acquire or maintain monopoly power in the safety syringe market and engaged in false advertising under the Lanham Act. The jury awarded Retractable $113,508,014 in compensatory damages subject to being trebled pursuant to federal statute. Retractable is represented by Locke Lord LLP; Ireland, Carroll & Kelley, P.C.; and Jim Parsons Law.