Let me start by saying I am going to touch and feel one of these before I actually buy one.  I have always thought the original iPad was too big, as was each updated version. I have always said that if they made a smaller one, I would rush out and buy it.  Well, likely I will get one in January when my Verizon MiFi device can be deleted from my account and I can add this instead.  Still, I want to see the real thing.

My concerns:

How easy will it break?  I like to drop devices, and I have had my issues with iPhones, the original Evo phone, and more.  Really, I tend to propel a device when I drop it. You know, send it flying out six feet before it hits the hard floor. My Galaxy S2 and Galaxy S3 have done well and have not succumb to any of their flights. 

Can I stand the fact that my sons will demand the device all of the time to play their favorite games? Of course I will give in, but they will likely lay it around with a nearly dead battery at all times making it useless when I need it.  (And do I really EVER need it?)

What purpose does it serve?  I can only remember half a dozen times my iPad 1 ever came in handy.  I like my Macbook Air and use it most places.  I cannot stand to do business emails on glass.  

Do I even need the carrier version of the device? Wouldn’t it be pointless not to have the carrier version of the device?

Will my wife take over the device? She now owns the family Kindle Fire. (That’s a device I saw as basically useless as I could do nothing with it other than what Amazon allowed.)

Reasons to buy it?

I have none.  Maybe because it is the latest and the greatest from Apple, and I love Macs.  I don’t even use the iPhone at this point, although my wife has the new iPhone 5.  That is one great phone for her. The battery never runs out and she is immensely happy when compared to her demeanor with a Galaxy S2 on the Sprint network.  She is on Verizon now, and credits the better signal to her iPhone 5 more than to the better network. She’s wrong, but I would never say that!

I will pick this up in January. I will learn to love it. Once I have seen that I have no use for it, I will then hand it off to my son that did not get the latest iPad handed to him earlier this year. We all win that way!

Here are the specifics. This image from TheVerge: (Link to their coverage below.)


TheVerge Coverage of the iPad Mini Event