Dallas, Texas – The StockGuru Spotlight – One cannot say that First Titan Corp. (OTCBB: FTTN) is standing idly by as prices of oil spike due to the saber rattling from Iran to the United States. As oil prices are being pushed higher, Robert Federowicz, First Titan’s CEO, issued these statements in a press release published intraday on Tuesday:

“The more crude that’s produced in the U.S., the less likely it is that Middle Eastern politics can trigger these supply fears that drive up oil prices,” he said. “There is far less risk in producing oil in the U.S. than in geopolitical hotspots like the Middle East, Venezuela and Russia.”

“Global demand for hydrocarbons continues to grow,” Federowicz said. “First Titan is working diligently to help meet that demand with resources produced here in the U.S. There has never been a better time to expand into the oil and gas industry.”

First Titan shares were up 22.52% at the close on substantial volume.


Read more about First Titan Corp. at: http://stockguru.com//tag/fttn/


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