Dallas, Texas – The StockGuru Spotlight – On Tuesday after market close, Lightlake Therapeutics Inc. (OTCBB: LLTP) announced that the Company is seeking to collaborate with Europe’s largest center for research and post-graduate education in psychiatry, King’s College London Institute of Psychiatry, to develop a new treatment for opiate overdose.

Shares for LLTP were up 17.5% to close out Tuesday.

In the LLTP press release with the announcement, was this comment from Dr. Roger Crystal, Chief Executive Officer of Lightlake: “We are honored to work towards partnering with the IoP in a concerted effort to create a novel treatment for opiate overdose, which is growing in prevalence worldwide due not only to the availability of street heroin but also due to the rising dependency on prescribed opioid painkillers. Recent studies show that heroin-related deaths account for around eight percent of deaths in individuals between the ages of 15 to 44 in the UK alone.”

 About King’s College London

King’s College London is one of the top 30 universities in the world (2011/12 QS international world rankings), and was The Sunday Times ‘University of the Year 2010/11’, and the fourth oldest in England. A research-led university based in the heart of London, King’s has nearly 23,500 students (of whom more than 9,000 are graduate students) from nearly 140 countries, and some 6,000 employees. King’s is in the second phase of a £1 billion redevelopment programme which is transforming its estate.

King’s has an outstanding reputation for providing world-class teaching and cutting-edge research. In the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise for British universities, 23 departments were ranked in the top quartile of British universities; over half of our academic staff work in departments that are in the top 10 per cent in the UK in their field and can thus be classed as world leading. The College is in the top seven UK universities for research earnings and has an overall annual income of nearly £450 million.

 Read more about Lightlake Therapeutics at: http://stockguru.com//tag/lltp/


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