StockGuru Spotlight

September 29, 2011



Dear Members:

These Spotlights have made tremendous moves. As you can see, StockGuru brings you the very stocks you want on your radar, in your portfolio and to trade.

StockGuru Spotlight Date Spotlight Price Symbol High Up As Much As Market Cap
August 10, 2011 $0.03 BRGO $0.11 267% $1.53M
June 30, 2011 $0.04 EPAZ $0.07 75% $2.31M
August 8, 2011 $1.73 MMED $3.11 80% $23.55M
September 9, 2011 $1.50 BBLU $1.73 15% $23.89M
July 20, 2011 $0.065 AMAR $0.08 23% $5.04M

 Midas Medici Group Holdings, Inc.  (OTCBB: MMED) released an online corporate overview video yesterday. The video, presented by Nana Baffour and Johnson Kachidza, Midas’ CEO and CFO respectively, provides a concise overview of Midas’s product development and services highlights across the United States and Brazil, including Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), as well as recent developments and growth strategy across its distinct brands of CIMCORP, Consonus and UtiliPoint.

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